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中山市渔宝水族电器有限公司坐落于珠江三角洲著名侨乡——小榄镇,集研发、生产、销售、服务于一体化。主营工艺水泵、挂缸过滤器、环保气泵、led灯、水族配件、加热棒、雾化器等系列产品。本公司严格执行iso9001质量管理体系认证标准,以科技求发展,以管理出效益。我们一贯秉承“专业态度、细致服务、与时俱进、不断创新”的企业文化及经营理念。以智力开发新一代环保节能产品,走以质量取胜,管理增效之路。我们的宗旨是靠质量生存、靠信誉发展、靠管理获利。 《渔宝水族》系列产品正以高姿态进入业界,以它卓越的品质,诚心的服务赢得业界的好评以及客户的信赖。我们的产品畅销全国,远销欧美、东南亚等地。 我们恭候各界友人莅临指导,洽谈合作。愿与大家结成友好合作伙伴,携手共创美好明天。 zhongshan city bao aquarium is located in the famous hometown of pearl river delta -- xiaolan town, set research and development, production, sales, service integration. the main process pumps, hanging cylinder filter, environmental protection air pump, led lamp, aquarium accessories, heating rods, atomizer series of products. the company strictly implement the iso9001 quality management system certification standards, technology and development, to manage the efficiency. we always adhering to the "professional attitude, meticulous service, advancing with the times, constant innovation" corporate culture and business philosophy. with intelligence and development of a new generation of environmental protection and energy saving products, go to win with quality, management synergism way. our aim is to rely on the quality of survival, relying on the credibility of development, relying on management profit. " fishing valuable aquarium" series of products are to a high profile in the industry, with its excellent quality, sincere service to win the praise of the industry and the customer's trust. our products sell well throughout the country, exported to europe and the united states, southeast asia and other places. we look forward to all the friends here guidance, to discuss cooperation. and everyone is willing to form a friendly and cooperative partnership, to join hands in creating a better tomorrow.
企业名称: 中山市小榄镇渔宝电器厂 企业类型: 企业单位 (贸易商)
所 在 地: 广东/中山 企业规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 2000
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
企业模式: 贸易商
所属范围: 潜水泵;鱼缸;增氧泵;水族灯;加热棒;造浪泵;变频泵;迷你鱼缸;水族配件;防爆加热棒;环保潜水泵;三合一鱼缸擦;鱼缸增氧泵;潜水灯;水族塑料配件;水草灯;节能水族灯;玻璃鱼缸;LED杀菌灯;三合一过滤器